KDB Business Services- Business Reviews and Tips

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Ooops, been a long time I must say since the last post and I apologize for that. Thanks to all of you who still took the time to come and read my posts anyways. I hope you all had a good Christmas. I enjoyed mine.
The holiday season can either be a slow one or a very busy one depending on what type of business you are in. For me it was filled more with getting people to know I exist than for selling much.I am hoping by next Christmas though I will be swamped with orders for my books.
We need to stay focused and with our eyes always fixed on the goal even when we are tempted to give up because things are taking longer than we hoped. I like to remind myself that Rome wasn't built in a day.
I have so many artiles I have saved to share with you and now I need to decide what to post first. Seeing as it is a chatty time of year I thought this was an appropriate theme for discussion.

Chatting your Way to Increased Website Traffic
Copyright 2005 Anton Cheranev

Millions of people are drawn to the websites every day just
to chat. Chatting is one of the most popular activities
done by those using the web. Many people admit that once
they begin chatting, they become almost addicted to it.
The average online “chatter” will log on at least once a
day for a chat. Although there is no definite reason why
people love this form of communication, there is something
to be learned by their behavior. When it comes to your
website traffic, you may be able to utilize this chat
“addiction” to increase website traffic. There are two
main ways you can use chatting to help your site. One
involves less startup time, but more maintenance time by
you. The other involves a longer startup time, but less
maintenance. Consider these ideas and begin using chatting
to help your website increase traffic immediately.

If you are interested in using the chat audience, then you
can certainly log in a few hours a day delivering
advertisement to them. This basically means that you can
go into chat rooms with the purpose of posting your website
link into the chat. You can do this randomly, hitting a
room, posting the link without prompt from other chatters,
and leaving to another room. This is the best way to reach
the largest number of chatters. The best way to do this is
to join rooms that relate in some way to your website and
its content. However, by doing this, you will likely
annoy some chatters, which is not good for your website.
You can decide whether the risk is worth it or not.

You can also be more personal about your advertisements.
This will call for going to rooms where you think the most
selective targeted audience may be located. For instance,
if your website is about music, then you may want to visit
chat rooms with music themes. Once you engage in
conversation a bit, you can freely and casually bring your
website link into conversation. You may gain more respect
with this approach but you will likely not have as large of
an audience as with the random posts. If you are an avid
chatter, then also consider adding your website link to
your chatting profile. As you chat, others in the room
will be looking at your profile, without you even knowing
they are doing so. This is a subtle, but effective way to
use chatting to help increase your website’s traffic.
Those that view your profile will likely want to check out
your site and may even tell others about it as well.

Another way to use chatting to increase website traffic is
by adding a chat element to your website. This will likely
take quite a while to set up. Adding chat to your room is
not the simplest thing to do. It can however be a great
way to draw people into your website. This is especially
true if your website is about a specific hobby, passion, or
job. If you have a retail site, it is unlikely that chat
would be appropriate. However, if your site is about stock
tips, then a chat room would enable traders to discuss tips
and information with each other, which would likely keep
them and their friends coming back frequently. One thing
to remember however is that you should always monitor your
website’s chat area every once in a while. It would be
unfortunate to have chatters using your room
inappropriately or abuse certain policies you have placed
upon chatters. This would only make your website look

Using chatting to help increase website traffic is a free
way to advertise. If you do chat often, you have likely
seen other chatters using this delivery as well. Take note
on which methods of chat delivery is most attractive to you
when you see others doing the same thing. This will allow
you to have a view on both sides of the issue and likely
help you to create a plan that is more effective. The more
time and effort you put into this task, the faster you will
see results, so go ahead and start right away!

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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I have been busy getting my books up and online. My newest find and fabulous site for people like me who want to get their own books up and published without the cost of prepublishing or waiting for a publisher to okay them, is www.lulu.com. They allow you to make as many books as you want and they publish on demand. They also have ebook versions available for purchase. You can choose. They have marketing and promotional aids for free for you to get your books noticed and all the marketing help you need. They just take a small cut for their work. And it is very reasonable.
The following article provides another way to channel your resources and use another avenue of income for your business.

Make Money Online with RSS Data Transfer
Copyright 2005 Peter Tarrida del Marmol

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site

Summary. It also has been referred to as a "pull"
technology rather than a "push" technology. And, in fact,
this feature is what makes RSS so popular in terms of
today's Internet usage.

It's probably hard to argue that anyone who uses the
Internet today hasn't heard of spam. If they have an email
inbox it is probably full of it.

Spam, for the uninitiated, is the receipt of unwanted
emails from people whom you did not request to receive
information. Spam represents the "push" technology. That
is, people "push" their email message at your inbox,
whether you have asked to receive the email or not.

And that aspect of "push" technology is what many have come
to believe is the death of email. It's arguable that email
will still be around for quite a long time, even though
there are still people who continue the illegal spam
process. In fact, companies are making millions now just
providing everyday users as well as huge corporations,
solutions claiming to solve their spam problem.

RSS, on the other hand, can be said to be the exact
opposite of the email "push" technology. Because you cannot
"push" your message to subscribers. In fact, the only way
that people can subscribe to an RSS feed is to do so
voluntarily. And, at the same time, they can unsubscribe
whenever they want.

That's why it's called a "pull" technology. Because
subscribers "pull" information into their readers and, if
the content isn't what they expect, they can unsubscribe
whenever they'd like. So, unlike the email "push"
technology, there is no one using RSS that is experiencing
an inbox full of spam. All they have to do is to
unsubscribe and they will never receive another message
from the person who provided the feed.

RSS has become a popular way to make money on line too. And
that is due in part to the popularity of the RSS "pull"
technology. Here's one way of monetizing a website using
RSS feeds.

Imagine setting up a static one page web site - a minisite
if you will. Now, add either Google Adsense code or the new
Yahoo version of the Google Adsense style ads that, when
clicked by a visitor - you earn cash.

This gives you a nice starting point and, if you optimize
your web page properly, there is a good chance you will get
a high ranking in the search engines. And, the more people
who see your page, the more likelihood they will click on
one of the links on your web page and you'll earn revenue
from the click.

But RSS provides an even greater potential. Because by
adding an RSS feed to that same web page, you turn a static
web page that only contains the information you placed on
it, into a dynamic ever changing web page that others will
likely come back more than once to read.

After all, once someone has read a one page web site, what
incentive is there for them to come back? Plenty, if you
use RSS feeds on your web page. It is possible to add 5, 10
or 15 feeds on your once static web page and now, you've
got a page that automatically updates itself and provides
something that people will want to come back to read time
and time again.

You can easily convert any web page into a dynamic web page
using free RSS creator software. One of the most popular
free versions is called Carp and you can download it at
this web link: http://www.geckotribe.com/rss/carp

Once you've set this program up on your website and added
the proper code to your website, then you will need to
collect RSS feeds that relate to the topic of your web page.

Let's say that the topic of your web page is flower
gardens. You could go to Google News and get their RSS feed
code, place it into the appropriate position in your Carp
coding you put on your web page and then adjust the code as

You can also get a similar feed from Topix.net and you'd
adjust the code like this:

Now, once you have uploaded your web page, your site will
automatically pull in fresh information from Google and
Topix about flower gardens. Simply follow this illustration
for any web page you'd like to monetize and watch your
search engine ranking soar and also your bank account!

Peter Tarrida del Mármol is a spanish internet marketer. To
learn more about making money online go to:

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